Monday, January 12, 2015

Writing Prompt #22

I wasn't really one to purchase writing books, as any information in them I could likely find on the Internet. However, I was on a date with the spouse and we found a section on writing in a bookstore. Most of the books were about journalism, but I found one I could potentially use and bought it.

I have absolutely fallen in love with this book.

It has personality traits and psychological profiles for all kinds of characters, as well as several prompts for you to create characters and situations using the information you just learned. I have a feeling my writing is going to go in a completely new direction.

And so, in this wave of excitement, I've developed today's writing prompt with a focus on characters.

definition of solipsism: the theory or belief that you are all that exists. Therefore, a solipsist is someone who believes this.
definition source: Oxford English Dictionary, definition 2

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