Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Writing Prompt #21

College is over and done with, and now I find myself confronted with a lot of free time. Sure I still work, but now that there's no homework and studying I have a lot of time to fill. Naturally, I'll be writing, but now and then I have to take a break, and what will I do with myself? That's the crisis of my life.

Today's writing prompt doesn't come from a book. I was thinking about the fact that my most recent ideas are all about the beginning, and there's no end in sight. Not that that's a bad thing. Ray Bradbury, for example, began Farenheit 451 with just a concept: the protagonist's job is to burn books. Then, after writing a bit, Bradbury realized that his character wasn't the type to burn books, and so the rest of the story was born. I figure that's how my idea is going to pan out (not that I'm saying I write on the same level as Ray Bradbury. I have a lot more ground to cover before that can happen).

But endings. They sometimes are frustrating. They sometimes leave us wishing there would be more of the story, but knowing that the story has ended well. Sometimes we feel alienated from everything that happened in the book, just as the author intended it to be. Perhaps these endings happen by accident, but I like to believe some of them were planned. So today the prompt is all about the ending, starting with it and working backwards to get the story.

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